Private Practice Made Simple

Everything You Need to know to Set Up and Manage a Successful Mental Health Practice (Professional)
Randy Paterson, Ph.D.
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Downloadable Resources for the Private Practitioner

Private Practice Made Simple is designed to help mental health practitioners establish or enhance their businesses. The book makes reference to a series of exercises and forms that can help. These additional resources can be downloaded from a site operated by the publisher, New Harbinger Publications, or right here.

These materials are available to anyone, whether or not you have purchased the book (though they may be most useful to readers). These individual forms have been formatted with larger left-hand margins so that you can keep them in a three ring binder.

Why Private Practice? (pdf). From Chapter 1, a form to help you identify your reasons for pursuing private work.
Why Not Private Practice? (pdf). From Chapter 1, a complementary form inviting you to identify your reservations about this career option.
Naming Your Practice (pdf). From Chapter 2, an exercise sheet to help you come up with a practice name.
Practice Populations (pdf). From Chapter 2, a form to help you define the groups of clients you want to see.
Office Space Viewing Sheet (pdf). From Chapter 2, a form to take with you when you inspect potential office suites for your practice.
Office Preparation Sheet (pdf). From Chapter 3, a checklist to help you prepare a new office suite for mental health practice.
Potential Referral Sources (pdf). From Chapter 4, a brainstorming sheet to help you identify prospective referral sources for your practice.
Sample Practice Announcement (pdf). From Chapter 4, a sample letter to help you generate your own practice announcement.
Sample Referral Form (pdf). From Chapter 4, a sample referral form.
Naming the Website (pdf). From Chapter 5, a brainstorming sheet to help you come up with a website name.
Web Content Survey (pdf). From Chapter 5, an exercise sheet to use when surveying the content on other practitioner’s sites.
Your Website Design (pdf). From Chapter 5, a series of design pages to assist you in laying out the content for your website.
Abbreviations for Client Notes (pdf). From Chapter 6. Many clinicians use abbreviations in their client notes, but regulatory bodies require that these be understandable by others. A sample definition sheet.
Client Demographic Form (pdf). From Chapter 6, a sample intake form for clients to complete before their first session.
Private Practice Income Calculation (pdf). From Chapter 7, a form to help you calculate your required and projected revenues, and an approximate monthly paycheque for yourself.
Clinic Assistant Hours Calculation Form (pdf). From Chapter 8, a form to help you decide whether or not to hire an assistant.
Home to Work Transition Form (pdf). From Chapter 10, a sheet to help you generate an effective transition ritual when you go from home to work.
Work to Home Transition Form (pdf). From Chapter 10, a sheet to help you generate a transition ritual when you leave work to head home.
Private Practice Task Balancing Form (pdf). From Chapter 11, a form intended to be completed when you first start your practice and annually thereafter as a means of preventing burnout. Every now and then you should look at the various types of work you do to see if you need to rework the balance.
Your Burnout Warning Signs (pdf). From Chapter 12, a self-exploration exercise to help you identify your own signs of impending burnout so that you can start using these as cues to take better care of yourself.


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